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Our workshop's goals are inspired by Kensho  - an ability to see your true self and with it gain the ability to see others. We thrive to bring light to hidden information that resulted in obstacles on Your Way: 


Workshop Schedule

We meet on Sundays at 1 pm CST. Below is the topic schedule.  

Workshop Guidelines

Feel free to read our philosophy of teaching and learning. 

Please Practice Leadership Skills of Active Listening and Public Speaking in the Workshops. 

All Workshop Materials are below

Workshop Options 

We are brainstorming the following options: 


1. Pick a Topic that you wish us to cover using the button below. 

2. Find the experts and leaders on the topics and let them decide on what to cover and when. 

3. Let the experts and leaders suggest and cover topics that they think are necessary for modern women to navigate the currently broken systems of beliefs and institutions. 




Provide Feedback 

Feel free to provide feedback using the Mentorship Guidelines above. You do not have to leave your name and can leave feedback anonymously. Your name will not be displayed. All harsh unconstructive criticism will be modified into constructive feedback. 

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